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Parents Association

The Mountrath Community School Parents Association is the structure through which we as parents/ guardians can work together for the best possible education for our children. We see our role as:

  • Acting as a point of contact between parents and the school.
  • Representing the views of parents/ guardians on school policies etc.
  • Organising Fundraising Activities for PA initiatives.
  • Organising speaking on various topics of interest specifically to parents/ guardians of post primary children.
  • Sponsoring various school and pupil activities.

The MCS PA currently has 13 members on the committee with meeting occuring on a monthly basis through the academic year. The Annual General Meeting for the Parents Association takes place within the first six weeks of the year where members of the committee are elected. It is at the first PA committee meeting after the AGM where the officers of the committee are elected. A list of all current officers are listed below.

  • Chairman- Pierre Hanneffy
  • Vice Chairman – Sinead Dolan
  • Treasurer- Caroline Page
  • Assistant Treasurer – Gina Lalor
  • PRO – Sharon Robertson
  • Secretary – Mairead Rafter

We strongly encourage parents/ guardians to get actively involved in the life of the school and welcome any suggestion that would help to enhance the school experience for all concerned.

The PA can be contacted either through the school or directly on